s l u m b e r
Between wakefulness and sleep, there is a space where we are detached from our conscious self and experience the interminable flow of a borderless existence. The body - void of its flesh - relinquishes itself to the brain and dances in a river of enveloping darkness. The river becomes its content. It is a luminous dark river, full of everything.
Continuing with the exploration of dream/sleep states during my DRAWinternational Artist Residency in Caylus, France, between March and May 2024, I've worked on a series of drawings inspired by the bodies of water in the area and the book of Peter Schwenger, At the Borders of Sleep. "Every definite image in the mind is steeped and dyed in the free water that flows around it. It is this 'free water' of consciousness that sweeps in like a tide, bringing sleep with it."